
Faster bug hunting! Faster resolution time!

How to Use Flipline

1. Add the snippet to your site

Copy and paste the code snippet above into your website's HTML.

2. Customize for each customer

Set a unique data-flipline-support-pin for each customer when embedding.

3. Collect support pin

When a customer reports an issue, ask for their support pin.

4. Replay customer sessions

Enter the pin into Flipline to see all tabs the customer was working on.

Login to flipline.in to get started.

Need help? Email support@flipline.in

    src= 'https://app.flipline.in/rest/script.js'
    data-flipline-dsn= 'your-custom-dsn'
    data-flipline-support-pin= 'unique-customer-pin'
    ></ script >

Dead simple pricing. Start hunting!

Some plans / features marked with require you to contact us to enable them.

and some features marked are planned for the future.

Feature Flat Enterprise
Cost per month $ 5
Public Projects
Private Projects 5
Collaborators / project 10
Tabs / project 500
Client side data scrub
Private cloud